Objectives of the Study
The goal of the assignment is to select young boys and girls aged 16-20 and to motivate to be enrolled in TVET on viable trades relevant to 21st-century market demands. This task has several purposes are as follows.
- To conduct identification survey on youth (16-20 aged) for training participants. The sub-objectives under this are as follows.
1.1. To ensure that the most competent youths are selected for the next round of nurturing them through TVET;
1.2. To hunt and select a total of 100 most potential youths;
1.3. To roll out through a course of action that includes- finalizing data collection tools, finalizing methodologies, and reporting;
1.4. To analyze data that come up with the list of the most competent youth (boys and girls) who are eligible for the TVET.
- To conduct training need assessment on youth (16-20 aged). The sub-objectives under this are as follows.
2.1. To determine their training needs, interests, and preferences;
2.2. To assess the current skills and knowledge already have and the skills and knowledge they need to acquire;
2.3. To identify the market demanding skills trade and then match it with the competencies and interests of each youth;
2.4. To analyze the survey results to identify the training trades that meet the demand of the 21st century job market and the preferences of the selected potential youths.