Bangladesh Research Institute for Development (BRID)

Home Safe Meat & Dairy Product Market Development Sub-project

Safe Meat & Dairy Product Market Development Sub-project

by Admin

Executive Summary

A total of 378 respondents were interviewed in this study of whom the majority were female (85%). Among the respondents, the vast majority (39.7%) can signature only while 26.2% of the respondents completed primary education. However, only 0.3% of the respondents were highly educated in the study area. Nevertheless, most of the respondents (62.2%) are involved in cattle rearing for more than 10 years while the smallest possible number of the fraction, which was 6.6%, was found in less than one year.

The outward presentation of farms and animal houses reveals that around 246 houses were constructed by the tin shade basement (65.1%) while 12.7% were made of thatch and 20.6% brick made. However, most of the producers (87.6%) follow the conventional method of cattle rearing while 11.6% adopted advanced and only 0.8% adopted modern system of animal husbandry.

The majority of the responders were operating their businesses from their own property while only a small portion is doing it on rented land. However, there were several kinds of professional backgrounds of the respondents. However, the major portion constitute agricultural farmer and the second largest portion (32.5%) constitute housewife.

The study found that cow milk enterprise earned 9000 takas where bull rearing farmer earned 5500, goat rearing farmer earned 3500, and sheep rearing farmer earned 4000 takas per half-yearly. The largest portion of the producer themselves look after their animals while a small portion appointed labour for this.

On the basis of farming production system of animal husbandry, most of the producers (45.8%) are engaged in beef fattening while the second largest portion is involved in milk production. The largest portion of the producers do not produce dairy or milk products commercially. However, a large number of the producers (98.4%) do not have registration for it.

A significant number of participants (49.2%) are rearing both native and hybrid animal while 25.7% rear native cow. However, it found that 22.2% of the cow milk rearing farmer got 2 litters milk per day where 22.2% got 3 litters in the study area. The average milk production per day was 2.5 litters.

On the basis of selling purpose of the animal husbandry production such as cow, buffalo, and goat, a major number (95.8%) of producers sell on local market or local meat dealers while 4.2% of them sell on larger markets or to companies such as megacity of exported commodities.

The study revealed that, on the basis of agricultural milk output, 52 of our respondents had swapped their milk for Gowala or Ghosh while a significant portion of the local community’s residents (85.2% of the total) have made regular purchases of milk from the farms, whereas only 1.1% of the total has been obtained by the remaining businesses.

The study found that a significant portion of the respondents (44.7%) believed that meat production on the other hand beef fattening was very much profitable. However, a major portion of the producers (31.5%) believed that they made fairly profit from their animal husbandry while an insignificant portion make a less profit from it.

When asked about the level of satisfaction 70.6% of the respondents reacted negatively on the basis of the sale price of their products while only a small percentage of individuals (29.4%) provided a positive response.